Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010


it.s 3 on the morning..and i still stuck on my jacket design.. i was so sleepy,,i almost close my eyes. but i decide to do dawn-blogwalking. hm..many things i get. but i dont wanna tell you about that..

it's about my dream,my obsession.. to become ITB's student
lately,when i was on my bike..i thought..
"when will i be this time,this date,this month,on the next year ?"
"will i just stuck in this city ?"
"or will i move to Bandung ?"

Allah..i want..i really-really want to get be accepted in that university..God.please.  . .

if i move,.or even when i just leave this smada.. i will miss you guys, my beloved friends, you're right,..high school never ends, it never,. . .
love you my friends..
love you dina..