Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Keeksistensian Sebab

Dia ada..tapi tidak ada
Dia melihat,,tapi tak terlihat

Dia khayalan,atau sekedar angan

Eksistensi yang dipertanyakan. Selalu mengundang otak untuk bekerja keras menyusun jawaban. Mengapa kita mau diperintah oleh seseorang,atau bisa dibilang sesuatu yang tidak pernah kita jumpai ? Yang bahkan keberadaannya masih menjadi misteri.
Berawal dari seorang teman yg bertanya "Mengapa kamu yakin agamamu yg paling benar ?"
Bahkan menjawab pertanyaan se-simpel ini membutuhkan pemerasan otak tingkat tinggi. Menggabungkan logika dan keimanan. Ya. Kita hanya berbekal suatu keimanan dalam memahami agama kita selama ini. Apa yang kata orang tua kita agama paling benar,itu yang kita amin-i. Dan lalu menganggap agama lain itu salah. Pernahkah kita berpikir bagaimana agama lain memandang agama kita ?
Ah..hentikan berbicara agama. Itu masih terlalu berat. Yang paling mendasar saja, "Yakinkah kamu Tuhanmu itu merupakan Tuhan yg paling benar ?" atau bahkan "Apakah kamu yakin Tuhan itu ada ?"
Ke-eksistensi-an Tuhan memang dipertanyakan, terlebih Tuhan milik agama saya. Agama lain mungkin merealisasikan Tuhannya dengan suatu sembahan khusus. Tapi agama saya melarang keras hal itu. Lalu mereka berkata "Mengapa kamu beriman kepada Tuhan yang kamu sendiri bahkan tidak tahu seperti apa wujudnya ?"
Tapi kelemahan inilah yang menjadi kelebihan agama saya.
Segala sesuatu yang berbentuk, berwujud, itu adalah sebuah ciptaan, makhluk. Sedangkan Tuhan adalah sang pencipta, khalik. Lalu bagaimana mungkin Tuhan bisa memiliki wujud pasti kalu begitu ?
Itulah dasar keimanan saya terhadap agama saya. Agama satu-satunya yang berani mendobrak pemikiran bahwa kita harus menyembah sasuatu yang memiliki wujud, agar kita bisa benar-benar mencintainya. Tapi Tuhan ternyata memang suka bermain kencan buta. Tuhan sedang menguji kecintaan kita padanya. Apakah kita akan setia mencintai sesuatu yang belum kita tahu pasti wujudnya. Apakah cinta kita benar-benar bisa tulus padanya. Tuhan memang lucu, pandai bermain-main, pandai membuat orang bertanya-tanya.
Yang perlu kita renungkan. Kita semua ini ada, dapat hidup, dapat bernafas, dapat melihat, mendengar. Tentu saja ada yang menciptakan. Bumi ini terbentuk, jagat raya mengembang. Semua itu tidak mungkin terjadi sendiri tanpa adanya suatu 'Sebab'. 'Sebab' yang memulai semua ini jauh lebih lampau dari sekedar ledakan besar yang mengawali terbentuknya jagat raya ini, dan jauh lebih agung, lebih memiliki akal. Sang 'Sebab' ini lah yang merencanakan terjadinya ledakan besar, merencanakan terbentuknya jagat raya dengan ribuan galaksi beserta gugus planetnya, yang merencanakan penciptaan kehidupan di planet bernama bumi, yang merencanakan kehidupan masing-masing makhluk yang telah disebabkannya.
Tidak ada kealamiahan yang sanggup menandingi Sang 'Sebab' ini. Tidak ada sains yang mampu menjelaskan 'Sebab' tersebut, karena bahkan sains dan kealamiahan berasal dari 'Sebab' itu sendiri.
Yang haru kita yakini, Tuhan itu ada. Dan Tuhan itu tidak berbeda berdasarkan agama. Agama lain mungkin memiliki sembahan yang berbeda, tapi Tuhannya tetap sama. Karena hanya ada satu 'Sebab' yang memulai semua ini.
Yaitu Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
Yang memiliki nama yang murni, yang tidak terikat dengan satupun makhluknya.
Bagi agama saya..
'Sebab' itu adalah Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

traveling our life

God give us life. Even we don't understand why this lifewas given by our creator,but it's too late to send a protest to God. We've been born. We've been lived our life for years. All we have to do is trying to understand what our life for, and how our life will be. By traveling our life , traveling inside our mind, we will,at least,know who am i, what am i, why am i becoming this, when or where am i should to be, and how am i continue my journey in this world.
and this is how am i traveling my own life,which had been given by God to me
cause the earth still rotating, the universe still growing, the God still waiting, and our life still running

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010


These are my inspiration to be a Dreamer

and here are the men behind them

These two young man always make me say
"wow..i wanna be like them"

Because they're truly DREAMER and they do their best to gain their dream

My first dream came, after i read Andrea Hirata's third book EDENSOR. This novel tell us about IKAL's study in Sorbonne University, French. There're many moments when IKAL could got his dream here..Start with his scholar from UE to his Dreaming University, then walked around Europe and half of Africa, met with many people he never imagine before, and finished with Edensor village, a little village whom always he dreaming for.
I don't want to know if this story is a real fact or just a fake, whatever. The point i got from Andrea is he know how to build every person's dream. He tell us that "Dream is not just a dream", we can reach it, it's not impossible for us to make our dream become true. And he also give the proof, his own experience, from the very-underestimate-elementary-school to the world's-very-reliable-university. It's not just a dream if we have a will, then we do our best to make it true.
If i got my dream from EDENSOR, then i got its SPIRIT from NEGERI 5 MENARA. The same with Andrea's books, Ahmad Fuadi also give a "spirit to dream" here. The difference is,. Andrea disposed to give an "Energy to dream", but Ahmad Fuadi give "Whipped to gain dream" with his favorite spell MAN JADDA WA JADA, whoever earnest will be success. This words tell the people to always be earnest to do something, cause if we do something seriously, we'll get the advantages.

so, after all.. What's my dream, eh ?
Right now, my really first dream is to enter ITB
Then, i really want to get a scholar to Europe
and that means, I should and I must study hard and seriously to reach my dream


Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Our Town Graveyard

let's imagine about GRAVEYARD.. 
Spooky,Scary..maybe that's the best phrases
so quite..just tombstones spread above
with many letters of the deathbodies's name

but my town has neither
so crowded,noisy,full of people..
that's our Graveyard

Oldmen and Oldwomen,
Poorpeople,or just Act-to-looks-Poor
Children that give some cleaning-services, or to the point to ask some coins
Mothers who take care for their babies (who play above a grave)
The food seller

Maybe Graveyard is another field for the job-seeker
especially on the Nyekar-Time like these days

Or is it the Urbanization's effect?
when many people hope for better luck inda town..with none skills they had
that dreams won't come
but worse luck will...

so,..who's wrong in this case?
the "over-dreaming" people?
or the "over-corrupt" government who can't handle it?

don't know.. it's back to your point of view,folks
. . .

Last thing i wanna say is..
I want the Graveyard set as it was or it has to

Dude,Graveyard is our elder last-resting-place
we must give a respect for them
we go there to memorize them, to pray for them, to remind us that we will join with them someday

but look at that place,now
The Unrespectation Resting Place of Urbanization's Effect

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Bella Luna - Jason Mraz

Mystery the moon
A hole in the sky
A supernatural nightlight
So full but often right
A pair of eyes a closing one
A chosen child in golden sun
A marble dog that chases cars
To farthest reaches of the beach and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars

The cosmic fish they love to kiss
They're giving birth to constellations
No riffs and oh no reservation
If they should fall you get a wish or dedication
May I suggest you get the best
For nothing less than you and I
Let's take a chance as this romance is rising over before we lose the lighting
Oh bella bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do what you do
Do do do do do

You are an illuminating anchor
Of leagues to infinite number
Of crashing waves and breaking thunder
Tiding the ebb and flows of hunger
You're dancing naked there for me
You expose all memory
You make the most of boundary
You're the ghost of royalty imposing love
You are the queen and king combining everything
Intertwining like a ring around the finger, of a girl
I'm just a singer, you're the world
All I can bring ya
Is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other

May I suggest you get the best
Of your wish may I insist
That no contest for little you or smaller I
A larger chance yet, but all them may lie
On the rise, on the brink of our lives
Bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do what you do
Bella luna
My beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other, oh oh oh

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

The Moon

an ancient night came
blew coldest wind from sahara
the wind brought a report

he comes..
he comes..
oo..the one who the bible has been told..
a messenger whom jesus gave a great honor to..
the only man who birth as a lover of God..

say his name
say his name my brothers
adore him,
The Moon of The Sun
The Night Walker acrossed the holy valley
The Light Rider up to The Skies
The Great Dreamer of his people

pray for him
pray for him my friends
let The Sun embraces The Moon and the Starlight
an Eclipse is just much better
let The Light show us the way
even if The Dark is entering a fire inside ours

remember him fellas
use your inside's to memorize him
cause The Moon has gone for centuries
and The Sun is just a mythe from the elder
the world going darker than ever
should we worried ?
or just keep walking through this jungle's eve

si bunder

dina rosita
my beloved girl since november 09
we have a lotta dream
about us,this relationship,school,and everything
. . .
we're teenager couple. we do pray, but also make sins.
. . .
we just wanna run this relation,.
maybe sometimes just walk upon it.
but keep moving consequently.

i do love her

hope this relation will always continue
send our pray to GOD

check her blog too here

blog baru

here it is..
my new blog
I forget what's the old one 's password(+email),fool me,
just check it out what will i write here.
In my new blog.